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Pink Cookies In A Plastic Bag Getting Crushed By Buildings
A Politician, a Prostitute, and a Man walk into a bar, and somebody gets arrested. By TQ BONNER Kevin Grieve/ “All Politics Is Local,” Hampton, Virginia,...
In the pursuit of beauty
Weave, Wig, and Hair Extension By TQ BONNER Photo by Jessica Felicio on Unsplash Introduction Hair extensions have long been a popular way for women across cultures to transform their looks...
The Real Health Risks of E-cigarettes and Vaping
By TQ BONNER Photo by Grav on Unsplash The landscape surrounding e-cigarettes and vaping has undergone a significant transformation. Once hailed as a safer alternative to traditional smoking,...
The possibility of new $1,400 stimulus checks being sent to all Americans and a Raise in Social Security.
The funding is already available, and both political parties must focus on the American people. By TQ BONNER Alpha Bonding Introduction: Let’s...